Modern Farmer News What is the best hydroponic system for beginners?

What is the best hydroponic system for beginners?

Hydroponic system might sounds new in local (Singapore). Not many people or families know about it.
soil cultivation techniques are more widely used and have been around thousand years. As technologic advanced, now we able to grow vegetables at our room with hydroponic system, it can be also use as a decoration for room with plants.
Learn the difference between soil planting and hydroponic system: https://modernfarmer.sg/traditional-farming-vs-hydroponic-system/
So, what is the best hydroponic system for beginners
Modern Farmer recommendation:

hydroponic kit

Pros: doesn’t require electricity, can be use as decoration, easy to handle, BEST for beginner to learn how to grow vegetable
Watch the demo on how to use hydroponic kit: https://modernfarmer.sg/how-to-use-hydroponic-kit/

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